Benefits and Challenges for Technical Writers in the Agile World

May 29, 2020

At the IXIAtalks webinar on June 11, 2020, Marion Knebel talks about the benefits and challenges for technical writers in the agile world.

IXIAtalks on June 11, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)



Agile was a buzzword 10 years ago. Nowadays, most software engineering departments seem to think that they follow agile principles. But often, they just make use of some tools that are provided by methodologies like Scrum, but they do not live up to agile principles. Being a technical writer in an agile setup can be heaven or hell: Either you have fantastic teammates, are deeply involved in the work and get input more easily than ever before. Or you become extremely frustrated because you are not really part of the game. No one gives you any input, because who needs a written specification, and you never get the documentation ready on time.  

Whichever is true for you or if you are just curious about what agile is about and whether you can benefit from agile principles: this presentation has something to offer. You will be provided with practical ideas on how to organize your work and your team in an agile world, how to avoid common pitfalls, and when it might be time to look beyond your technical writing mindset. 

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