References by parson

parson supports ASAM with technical writing services for ASAM OpenTestSpecification Concept Paper
To assess the current state of the art and relevant use cases for testing autonomous driving functions, ASAM has written a Concept Paper. parson has editorially revised the Concept Paper to ensure that it complies with ASAM's style guides and meets the consortium's high quality requirements. more...

How parson helped IP Dynamics modernize and streamline its DITA authoring environment
Working with parson, IP Dynamics modernized and simplified its DITA-XML and Oxygen-based authoring environment to increase efficiency and enable self-service maintenance. more...
parson advises dSPACE GmbH on requirements for a modern component content management system and the use of artificial intelligence
dSPACE wants to optimize technical communication processes by using new and modern technologies. parson supported dSPACE in systematically developing the requirements for a modern component content management system (CCMS) and in evaluating possible AI use cases. more...

Maintaining Specifications Across Several Industry Standards for Energy Traders Europe
On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) was rebranded as Energy Traders Europe at the beginning of 2024. With now 150 members, the organization continues to develop and maintain contractual terms and data exchange standards for the energy trading industry.
Since 2016, parson has accompanied EFET on their standardization journey and now continues to support Energy Traders Europe with technical writing and data model development services. To mark the occasion, we’ll take a more detailed look at our cooperation. more...

Can software developers and technical communicators write documentation together? How parson supports Siemens in setting up a collaborative authoring process
The Siemens division "Digital Industries, Factory Automation, Information Management" wants to make its technical documentation fit for the future and has therefore developed an authoring process for joint documentation by software developers and technical communicators. parson has evaluated the proof of concept. more...
Every authoring solution grows with its tasks – parson supports Steinberg in the long-term maintenance of its DITA XML environment
Since 2012, we have been supporting Steinberg in the maintenance and further development of their authoring solution. The focus of our services is on consulting and training for DITA XML and the customization of DITA plug-ins. more...

parson assists G&S IT Group with efficient documentation using Oxygen XML Editor in DITA-XML
parson helps optimize the use of Oxygen XML Editor and DITA XML in G&S IT Group's technical communication team. more...

parson supports proALPHA in improving DITA-XML implementation
The software provider proALPHA writes technical documentation with DITA-XML in Oxygen XML and publishes it online via the content delivery platform Zoomin. proALPHA wanted to improve its existing DITA-XML implementation. more...

Developing a metadata model that supports digital delivery of Danfoss product information
parson supports Danfoss in the development of an iiRDS-based metadata model and its implementation in the DITA CCMS. more...

Information architecture and metadata model for STIHL online spare parts catalog with Adobe Experience Manager Guides
STIHL wanted to publish service documentation content to its online spare parts catalog. parson experts developed an information architecture and metadata model based on iiRDS and then implemented the metadata model in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Guides. more...

Technical writing support for operating instructions in the machinery industry
Due to a shortage of resources in the technical documentation team, Finetech was looking for short-term technical writing support. As a technical documentation service provider, parson also writes and updates operating instructions. A parson team supported Finetech for four months. more...

parson advises GS1 Germany on the use of knowledge graphs for product information and documentation
GS1 Germany opts for a content management solution using semantic tools for target group-oriented and standardized documentation. more...

Restructuring the documentation landscape at Finnova. Orientation workshop
parson is supporting Finnova during the process of restructuring the documentation landscape and digitalizing technical documentation. Existing technical documentation solutions, work and collaboration processes, and delivery to target audiences will be put to the test during this transformation. A detailed analysis of the requirements will then form the basis for a continuous improvement. more...

State-of-the-art software documentation for the industrial software manage.ID
parson creates software documentation in DITA-XML for PID’s industrial software solution for connecting corporate systems (e.g. ERP, MES) and the identification/labeling machinery. more...

Customize the PDF plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit
Nexperia wanted to improve its product data sheets and align them with market needs. The data sheets are written in DITA XML, the PDF version is generated using the DITA Open Toolkit. To implement the changes, parson customized the PDF plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit. more...

Developing a sustainable information architecture for a new content delivery platform
proALPHA wanted to improve the delivery and usability of their technical documentation for both customers and staff. For the electronic delivery, proALPHA introduced the content delivery platform Zoomin. parson supported the project by developing a new information architecture and providing content engineering. more...

Information architecture and consulting for content management and content delivery in technical communication
Endress+Hauser is gearing its technical communication to modular electronic delivery that matches the product configuration. To this end, the company is launching a new content management system and a topic-oriented, semantic information architecture. more...

Creating a plug-in for sorting glossary entries
parson created a new plug-in for software company XPLM to automatically sort glossary entries. more...

Digitalization of technical documentation
GS1 Germany provides its customers with standards for the efficient exchange of article master data. The processes for creating and delivering the specifications and documentation of GS1 standards will become more digitalized and partially automated. As an expert in digital technical documentation and content delivery, parson is advising GS1 Germany on this project. more...

Technical writing support for Filling Specification of navigation database
In the so-called Filling Specification, CARIAD defines the requirements for the content of a navigation database based on Navigation Data Standard (NDS), while the corresponding test cases ensure a high quality of the database. more...

Getting Started guide: Information architecture and technical documentation with simplified user interfaces
parson supports FLEXIM with consulting services to build an information architecture and helps create content for the Getting Started guide. more...

Requirements for content management and content delivery
parson supports d.velop with consulting services in the areas of content management and content delivery. more...

Sustainable content strategy and metadata concept for intelligent content delivery
parson assisted Diamant Software in developing a sustainable content strategy. more...

Maintaining the XML-based authoring framework
After successfully migrating the developer documentation to DITA XML, parson has taken over the long-term maintenance of the XML authoring frameworks for NXP. Several teams and groups at NXP collaborate, both in Europe and the US . more...

Revising the documentation for the OpenSCENARIO standard for dynamic components of driving simulations
As a service provider with many years of experience in the documentation of technical standards and information architecture, parson played a key role in revising the OpenSCENARIO documentation for ASAM. more...

DITA XML training: Content reuse in DITA 1.3
parson’s DITA experts introduced the technical writers of Ansys® to the content reuse features of DITA 1.3. more...

Reshaping technical communication towards content delivery
Thanks to parson's support, we could quickly and successfully complete this phase of the project. parson's consulting service and their expertise as well as their support with the agile project management helped us select the most suitable provider for implementing the content-delivery concept. more...

Online documentation for HR software. Author training and implementation of an authoring system
„We have accomplished a great deal and achieved a great result: a well-structured 1300-page manual in a uniform design. We've been given software that enables us to continue the project. parson not only provided its workforce, all employees were not only involved with their minds, but also with their hearts. We always had the feeling that we were well looked after and supported." Karin Ladiges, Project Management Processes more...

Revising the specification for the OpenDRIVE standard for road networks of driving simulators
"I would like to thank parson for the good and uncomplicated cooperation. With the expertise or parson, we were able to give ASAM OpenDRIVE a powerful boost and I am convinced that we have developed a good standard with ASAM OpenDRIVE 1.6. In my opinion, the information architecture turned out particularly well. This architecture will help readers navigate through the standard. In the name of ASAM, I would like to sincerely thank all participants in this project." Nicco Dillmann, Global Technology Manager, ASAM e.V. more...

iiRDS consulting and agile project management for intelligent chatbot
To demonstrate the practical application of iiRDS, the international standard for intelligent information request and delivery, tcworld GmbH wanted to develop a demonstrator (proof of concept) for an iiRDS-based chatbot. Project partner was the industrial company Endress+Hauser, which provided the technical documentation as the basis for intelligent information. The chatbot was named iiBot. more...

Online help and integration of code documentation
SICK wanted to create an online help for their localization software LiDAR-LOC. parson helped SICK to create the documentation. We also developed a topic-based information architecture for the online help. more...

Project management for agile software development
We support the development team of the Bucerius Law School in three main areas: Implementation of agile development processes, improvement of software usability, and optimization of communication with software users. more...

Technical Writing Training for Engineers
With a professional training in technical writing, evodion wanted to ensure the quality of this documentation. more...

DITA and oXygen training for technical communicators
For its product liNear Desktop, liNear wanted to create modern, customer-oriented, and future-proof documentation. Documentation processes and tools should be changed to DITA XML. more...

liNear: Introducing DITA-XML for Technical Documentation
For its product liNear Desktop, liNear wanted to create modern, customer-oriented, and future-proof documentation. Documentation processes and tools should be changed to DITA XML. more...

Introducing Schema ST4 and Content Migration
parson and ICMS support Korsch with introducing Schema ST4 and migrating content. more...

Migration of Development Documentation to DITA/XML
All NXP products pass through long development and life cycles. For this reason, NXP needs to write and maintain documentation for old and new product versions and for different product development phases in parallel. Also, the documentation for the various versions of a product family is largely identical. For these reasons, the Identification department of NXP wanted to fundamentally renew its documentation processes. They decided to switch to XML-based documentation, which would let them professionally reuse content and create several variants of documents coming from a single source. more...

Documentation for a Campus Management System
Because there was no user documentation for the campus management system, which was developed by Bucerius Law School, the goal of the project was to create a guide to cover selected topics for users who work in campus management. more...

Integration Manual for Web Content Management Server
Acting as support for the in-house technical writing group, we were asked to write an English guide for administrators and software engineers that explains the integration of different web content management servers. more...

Wiki-based Documentation for Logistics Software
The goal of the project was to develop a concept for end-user documentation for customer-specific software that manages business and logistics processes. The documentation was to be written in an existing company wiki based on MediaWiki. more...

Definition and Documentation of Business Processes
To standardize processes, we worked with the project managers to develop guidelines for describing business processes. more...

End-user documentation and training material
With the upgrade to a new software generation and the associated training of the staff, Hamburger Hochbahn required training material and end-user documentation. more...

Control Cabinet Documentation for Hot-Water Boiler Systems
Viessmann needed assistance in creating operating and service instructions for the modular switchboard, control and regulation system for hot-water boilers. more...

Specification for the Standardization of Navigation Databases
To enable various manufacturers and navigation systems to work with the same map data, all databases have to use a standardized format. For specifying this standard format as well as the associated update and certification processes, NDS requires a set of documents that all members of the consortium can access online. more...

Service and Repair Instructions for Medical Ventilators
WEINMANN Emergency wanted to update instruction manuals for portable emergency ventilators and required documentation support. more...

Specification for Standards in the Commodity Trading Industry
parson maintains and updates the specifications for the CpML standard and the various process specifications. We work closely with the project manager and the software developers to document the relevant business and mapping rules, and describe the processes from start to finish. more...