Adobe DITAWORLD 2024

May 24, 2024

Three days packed with sessions: Adobe DITAWORLD 2024 features the world's leading experts in marketing and technical communication, content strategy, content management, content translation, content delivery, and Information 4.0.

The world's biggest DITA conference will be held online from June 11-13, 2024. For the third year, parson is supporting Adobe DITAWORLD as a Gold Sponsor.

Panel discussion "Navigating the AI Fontier" on June 12, 2024, 11.15 a.m. (CET)

Join Ulrike Parson, Sarah O’Keefe (Scriptorium), Umar Akhtar (Content Bloom)​, and Stefan Gentz (Adobe) as they discuss the transformative impact of AI and how you can use it to redefine knowledge management and technical documentation processes and practices. Learn more

Are you interested in our current and past presentations at Adobe DITAWORLD and our DITA-XML services? Learn more

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